Where Is/Was This?

Does anyone know where this is/was? I have been told Cleveland, Ohio but was wondering if anyone had any specifics about this unique structure.
Thanks to the several people who have identified the building as the Amphitheatre at the Toledo Zoo in Toledo, Ohio. The Amphitheatre was built in the 1930’s as a WPA project and still stands today. If you would like to see what the amhpitheatre looks like currently, please click here.
This is the amphitheater at the Toledo Zoo (Ohio) it's still there and has been kept in it's original condition. They still have free concerts there every Sunday night during the summer. It makes for a beautiful evening listing to "Music Under the Stars" people come with their friends and kids. there is a bronze plaque on the wall that says built by the Works Progress Administration dated 1940.
that is correct toledo zoo i saw it last week
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