Friday, May 08, 2015

Happy 10th Birthday!

Ookpik’s Negativity is 10 years old today! In the fall of 2003 I began an interest in old photography by a chance acquisition of over 10,000 vintage negatives. I wanted share the negatives but was unsure how to go about it until I read an article in the newspaper about Ron Slattery’s Bighappyfunhouse vernacular photography blog. In the spring of 2005 Ookpik’s Negativity was born. I am very proud that the blog has lasted for a decade but it would it would not have lasted a month without you – the reader. Thus, I am taking this time to say thanks to all who have visited, read, lurked or commented over the years. Special thanks to Ron Slattery for the inspiration, Angela Paez from Swapatorium where some of the negatives also appeared, Marty Weil who interviewed me for his Ephemera blog, and Becky who commented often in the early days of the blog. Here is to another fun filled decade of using yesterday's negatives to create today's positives!